In Women with Vision

Empowered women…. Inspiring Women

Growing up, I was always surrounded by amazing women!
If asked the typical “what would you like to do when growing up?” my answer would be “I want to be like granny”.  Listening to my grandmother talk about her life and career inspired me. For a woman growing up in colonial Mauritius, she understood from a very young age that having a quality education would open up the doors to being independent… and being her kind of woman.
As Patricia Lynn Reilly puts it,
“Imagine a woman who values the women in her life.
A woman who sits in circles of women. Who is reminded of the truth about herself when she forgets.
Imagine yourself as this woman.”

As a woman, as a daughter and a young professional, I believe that nurturing and building our circle of women is important. Women are strong, beautiful and have the power to create and mould the world just by being.  It is our duty to share, encourage and celebrate other women to grow. For so long, women didn’t have access to positions of leadership. Thankfully, things have changed and evolved.  
- Unkown

Amazing women like Helen Keller, Angela Davis, Gloria Steinem, Marie Curie, Maya Angelou, Malala Yousafzai and Emma Watson are examples that we have a voice, we can choose for ourselves and we can stand up for ourselves.

So for every girl like myself, who is trying to find her way, believe, trust and celebrate your circle of women! Let’s all celebrate each other and embrace who we are and let us inspire other generations of women to push through the glass ceiling. 

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Mauritian Islander who is sharing her vision of the world, her hopes, her dreams and her thirst to make a difference. Share and comment if you enjoyed!