In Positive Mindfulness

A year back to me...

I came across this quote today, which read, surround yourself with great people. Instantly, I found myself reflecting on the people around me as well as the past year of going back to me.

2017 was the year where the counter went back to zero. I quit my job, ended some relationships and decided that I would take a year for self-care.

Challenge no.1: Leaving the job without any safety net! The craziest thing I have ever done in my life. It was a moment of hope entangled in fear, uncertainty and self-doubt.
Challenge no.2: Ending the unhealthy relationships and learning that it is OK for me to make myself a priority.
Challenge no.3: Defining clearly what I want my life to be like.

The following 9 months were very insightful. I cried my heart out as much as I laugh my heart out! With good guidance I understood and accepted that anyone who would make me feel miserable for making myself my priority should not have a place in my life. 

And one day I looked around and I noticed that all the people who stayed were the ones I could always count on. They did not judge me, nor did they show pity. It doesn’t mean that they agreed on my decision (some thought it was a mistake) yet they remained supportive and if it were a mistake, they would let me learn for myself and help me grow.  They gave love, encouragement and showed compassion throughout the way.

When I focused and hated on all the things which I weren’t, they showed me and reminded me of the things that I was… that I am. Through their eyes, I slowly went back to me, to my home.
                                                                   Credits: @Huffpost

Today, I am embarking on another journey. I am creating a life that I love, surrounding myself with people who wish me well and experiencing life through different lenses.

It amazes me how life has a way of unraveling itself that it helps one grow into a better version of themselves at any given time. I have been truly blessed and I am humbled when I look at all the people sent by the universe to help me. Some of whom were strangers a year ago!  

If there is something which I could take from this whole experience is that:

  • Life/ People break you but it’s only for a moment. Your soul knows the truth and you will mend yourself. If anything, these moments shed light on your weaknesses, therefore consider them as a challenge into becoming yourself.
  • Uncertainty will always be part of your life and self confidence is the tool to manage it. You have within you all the strength, knowledge, love and compassion you need to get through whatever life throws at you.
  • The universe will always send help! Whatever form it comes into, know that you will always find the helpers, the givers and soul savers
Therefore, don't lose hope... ever! Let things breakdown, learn to let go and celebrate the meaningful!

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Mauritian Islander who is sharing her vision of the world, her hopes, her dreams and her thirst to make a difference. Share and comment if you enjoyed!