In Positive Mindfulness

Forward is forward...

Hello readers…! I don’t know about you but these days I’m struggling with myself. See, I’m a firm believer that we are always a work in progress. So whether I nailed this daunting project at work or managed this new yoga pose or even made a great meal out of this new recipe- I believe there is more to it. We can always do better, always.
I can already hear you saying perfectionist! Before you give me the label, let me explain. Yes, maybe there was a time when I was a bit of a perfectionist but eventually hitting a wall got me back to my senses. Perfectionism is a silly concept and one we should ban for that matter! It took me some time but I’ve moved to something healthier. I now call it my pursuit of excellence.
Some of you might wonder, what’s the difference? The answer lies in showing kindness and compassion to ourselves. It means creating a safe space within ourselves to celebrate and accept every milestone accomplished. To be kind and compassionate enough to ourselves when we fail at something. Because we understand that failure is part of the learning curve; instead of saying: “It’s new, it’s terrifying, what if I fail, I can’t fail that. Oh no, I’m such a failure, how could I mess this?” The inner chatter goes like: “It’s new, I’m gonna try and if I fail, let me see what can be done do avoid the same mistake again.” We allow ourselves to judge the event without hurting our self-worth and it changes the game.    

The experience really turns into a learning opportunity and even better, it gives you the confidence to try something new the next time. My advice to you: put yourself out there and be seen. If it doesn’t work out this time, next time it will. Just stop hanging on to the things that didn’t work out well. Stop doubting and if there is anyone pushing their perfectionism on you, 
Grec McKeon- Essentialism
All of it is a process, it takes time and the journey is not a linear one. There will be times when things will get messy, when you might feel lost but trust the process. Forward is forward however the time it takes. Keep moving and keep believing.

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Mauritian Islander who is sharing her vision of the world, her hopes, her dreams and her thirst to make a difference. Share and comment if you enjoyed!